24 February 2006


AK Planned!

So my Alaska trip is kinda planned now. Or at least planned in the sense that I bought airline tix. *eee*

This is a visit to Shiela, while a Novi native, she's always living in exotic locales. We met in girl scouts, and our first trip together was backpacking across Isle Royale. When I was 15 I visited her in London England (her 'rents moved there for a job). And 2 years ago I spent a couple weeks with her in Nicaragua where she was serving in the Peace Corps.

I'm flying up in plenty of time for a St. Patrick's Day party on Friday. We'll probably spend Saturday and Sunday in Anchorage, going to the Native Hertiage Museum, and Musk Ox (quiviut) store/farm.

Monday/Tuesday we'll be snowboarding at the Alyeska ski resort. Wednesday-Friday is road-trip time - it looks like we'll go down into the Kenai peninsula and check out Homer, Seward and the Kenai Fjords. Then Friday-Sunday we're doing the Becoming an Outdoorswoman Alaska weekend (where classes include Dog Mushing, Avalanche Safety, Snow Machining, Skinning and Hide Prep, and Ice Fishing). Then I've got another day to burn in/near Anchorage before I could catch the red-eye back down to Michigan. :)

Homework Assignment:
Click and wander around Alaska in google maps' Hybrid mode, combining both map data and satellite images. too cool.

Prepare to be nauseated. I bought a chiki miki little camera to record my adventures. I can't wait to be in such a big open country. Mountains, ocean, rivers, fjords, and glaciers. yow.

jealous.. alaska and new zealand are my two current dream destinations... gotta keeps saving those pennies..
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