09 February 2006


She Wants Revenge and the Smokers

Last night I saw She Wants Revenge at the Magic Stick in Detroit.

First, I love the Magic Stick - it's just the right size, and it's above a bowling alley. Plus they have 2 bars. It's a good place.

Next, She Wants Revenge - Bauhaus-esque with shades of Interpol. I like them. There's been a long-surviving gothy scene in the D for years, the faithful undead have way outlasted the mainstream affection for black eyeliner. It's also been years and years since bands stopped making good new music for the genre. Well, here come a coupla boys from California, lo and behold, they're being played all over our goth scene - on the radio, at Luna. I'm willing to bet they're played at City Club as well, but I haven't made it out there for a while.

It's pretty standard that our scenesters don't dance at live shows. But instead of doing the usual hipster head-bob, the cool cats and kittens were dancing their *sses off. This made the floor (above the bowling alley) bounce in a way that was slightly worrisome. It also made for a good concert. I was quite happy. :)

An unfortunate truth: I started feeling old there. I was there for the first two openers (I liked Johnny Headband), and partway through the SWR set I realized that my eyes were watering from the smoke around me. Could be I was standing in a big patch of Menthol smokers.. But I don't normally notice these things. Maybe it's too much clean living on my part. Yaarr. But showing up at the bf's house, he sent me to the shower immediately and bagged up my clothing. He claims it was worse than Luna stink. Nice was: the next morning he lent me clothes to go home in, so I didn't have to crawl back into the stinkystinky clothes.

the she wants revenges are in the lead for wost band of the year award. ian curtis' head is spinning in his grave.
i'd think peter murphy and daniel ash would be more pissed off. SWR seems to take directly from old Bauhaus stuff.

*shrug* they're adding to the oeuvre of a 'dead' genre. they're true to the style. maybe their next album will diverge more.

i dunno. but i like 'em.

and if ian curtis' head is concerned about spinning, maybe he shouldn't have stretched his neck out so long.
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