16 April 2007


Easter in Salzburg

In Salzburg I really liked the castle.

I walked through a couple of really nice parks, too:

the modern art museum was interesting, but one of the exhibits knocked me way off my axis - seeing twin towers cleanup pix in Austria was just a little too much for me. I think I had the cultural Bends for the whole week afterwards.

i did a little shopping, but mostly i enjoyed spring and the easter decorations.

salzburg was cute, more pix here, but there just wasn't enough to keep me busy for 4 days, so i cut bait and came home. i was kind of proud of myself, learning to read train and bus schedules on the fly! i'm a bit handicapped, coming from a big town devoid of public transport.

sunday i spent the afternoon lazing. easter monday i was out on the bike for what turned out to be about 4 hours.. haha. oops.

but i saw cool things, like these easter decorations:

this town in the distance:

the road winding on

and the Levi Strauss birth-house and Museum in Buttenheim. That's right. Buttenheim. hehe.

and then this easter basket showed up at my door. woo!


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