28 February 2007


Picknick: VDub in za Haus!

Meet Picknick:

She's not a GTI, but I had to link these videos

Repreeeezenting Deutschland

Let me hear you say Vvaat!

this is her backside:

she's got backup sensors, heated mirrors, heated windshield squirts, heated seats.. she's all kinds of warm and quiet. her benzin (gas) motor runs a lot more quietly than the diesels i've had on longterm loan.

I asked that an MP3 input be built in special. turns out it's a direct iPod jack, and not just an Aux input.

so now i don't have to listen to scheiß german radio. woo, no more Wham! and the iPod is controlled by the cd player buttons when it's plugged in. Picknick's a clever gal.

she also likes to party. you can tell, because she comes with her own bottle opener, standard:

every good partygirl does.

speaking of parties! she came with an italian pasta-party in a basket

note the two bottles of wine. Why does a german car come with pasta? your guess would be as good as mine.

One more note on the cleverness of this car - VW wins points for best use of a logo badge. It works as the lift-gate handle. i stared at it for a couple minutes trying to figure out how one opens the trunk.

How's that for a cool unpimped Auto? Veedubz in the Hizzaus!

aah! I love it!! she is so cute!!
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