10 February 2007
Such a Day! New Bike Joy!!

Today I bought a new bike, the red one. It's a Diamant Ubari, and i am madly in love. Diamant is a german brand, made in Chemnitz, i think.
It's a bike for riding around the city. You can tell because it's a girlybike with flat pedals and a kickstand. so i can wear a skirt and flipflops and ride it to the biergarten!
It's got the mandatory lights on the front and back, they're powered by the front hub (some kind of friction collector, thank you shimano!). Check out those fenders! I know, but don't be too jealous. just come visit me and i'll take you to the store so you can buy one of your own.

It's got Magura hydraulic rim brakes, and a bell that makes that scraping RINGARINGA sound. :D i'm a happy girl.
here they call a bike a Fahrrad (sounds like far-rod). Mine is going to be a Barrad. RINGARINGA!!