04 October 2007


Cars and Phones

17:27 I leave my desk for the parking lot. Soccer practice starts at 18:00
17:29 I call Hannes back.
17:32 I reach my car, start it up and head towards the soccer fields, still talking to Hannes.
Conversation ranges from dinner tonight to his work schedule, to what we're bringing to a friend's birthday party tomorrow.
17:47 H says, "It's 10 to 6, you have soccer at 6, you better get going."
17:48 I say, "I'm halfway there. What do you mean I have to get going?"
17:49 H, "You're talking on the phone and driving?! That's not allowed, you can get a ticket."
17:50 "Pish, that's a dumb law." I say, and we keep chatting along on our topics.
17:52 I see a cop car coming the opposite direction on a 4-lane road.
17:54 I turn onto the street where the soccer club is. The cop is now behind me. I clap the phone shut mid-sentence.
17:55 I park at the soccer club. The cop never flashed his lights or did the siren thing, but he's parked behind me, him and his partner getting out.

In short, I got a 65€ ticket for talking on the phone, and probably a point on my license (though i have no idea what that means here).

Interestingly enough, when I handed over my Michigan Driver's License, the cop said, "This is an Operator License," he can read, "Where does it say you can drive a car?"

WHAT?!!?! It's a driver's license. Of course I can drive a car!! I can drive motorcycles too! shit. well, all I could do was point to where it said "Lic Type 0" and say, that's probably the code for I can drive cars.


so now i've got to go get myself a germ driver's license. yippe. just what i want to do, spend more time dealing with the bureaucrats here.

Mr. Nice Copman took a picture of my license, and said he'd talk to the Ami's and see if it was really a driver's license, if I was really allowed to drive cars. "Good luck!" I said, "This license worked for buying a car, getting insurance, and registering the car. I don't see why you'd have a problem with it."

Scheiße. See, I go having a great weekend and Germany has to balance itself out by throwing bureaucracy, rules and fines at me.


well, if it makes you feel any better, in new york, cell phone tickets don't count for points. . . . they are just expensive. . . even worse than 65euro on a crappy exchange rate! i'm glad i don't have to drive thru NY anymore ;)
You've been tagged for the 8 random things about you meme!
That's how it works here in Germany, for some odd reason. Expats are never 'allowed' to be too happy here - something idiotic like your situation always happens if we are. It's happened to me more times than I care to admit in my time here.
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