10 July 2007


blood sacrifice to the domestic goddess

wow. it seems that even though i've jumped on the nerd wagon with Flock, the nerdy bloggerfriendly web browser (which does tabs like firefox, yaay), my posts still don't write themselves! shock and awe.

ah well. including pictures is way easier, though.

flag cakes from my little 4th of july shindig. i had a couple of people over for Jesus Burgers (so named because i learned the recipe from a guy who looked like jesus. no jesuses were harmed in the making of these burgers).

the cakes are so from a JellO ad in Woman's day a couple years ago, but they usually go over ok.. except i couldn't find real jello, and had to substitute Quark for Cool Whip. and that was weird, because quark is some kind of yogurty cheese thing.. but it was the best i could come up with. *shrug* noone spit it out.

and these are the socks i was working on this weekend.

i grafted a toe!

right before i savaged myself with a bread-knife and got to visit the folks in the emergency room.

see what all this domestic tom-foolery does to a girl?!

i need to ride my mountain bike this weekend. or shoot something. jeez.

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