17 June 2008


Robot Quickie

just a quick one inbetween, here.

am i the only one that finds Discovery News hilarious? Now we have robots that feel pain, and monitor when they've been inappropriately touched. I just imagine hearing the pink-sweatered asian girl-bot programmed with HAL's voice say, "Bad touch. Bad touch, Daaave."

then, there are the lovebots that'll purr in your ear when you molest them..

i love that we're going both ways at once.
on a completely unrelated note, I'm not moving to Sweden, but I get to fly back and forth staying a couple weeks here, a couple weeks there. so i'm pretty excited about that. plus, i think it just increased the gypsy-factor of my lifestyle by like 10 points. woo!

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Jessica .... your pictures are always perfect - you are soo artsie!!

Gonna get me a lovebot someday :)
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