11 April 2008



no pretty pictures this week, sorry. i`ve been playing with the camera a little, but this week`s photo class was a discussion of pictures. what makes a good photo, what`s good lighting, what`s a good motif.. etc.

i`ll be missing next week´s class (boo!) because i`ll be in sweden on a business trip. woo! my homework is to take portraits and bring them with me the week after. can do! (i`ll show you some too)

i have no timeline for the sweden move right now. it`s complicated because i`m not an EU citizen. we`re using a theoretical date of july 1 right now. i`ll be staying with the same company, just moving to a different office, and i`m already trying to learn a little swedish (not going superwell yet). i`ll be on the West Coast of Sweden, in Gothenburg (Göteborg).

I start taking over projects on Monday.

I`m really extremely giddy about the whole thing.

Whenever I do move up, I`ll get to drive my car (Picknick!) up through Germany and Denmark, where we will take an overnight ferry to Sweden. Then I`ll be driving up the West coast of Sweden to get to my new place. It sounds like a pretty awesome road trip to me.

In more camera news, I just downloaded the english language manual for the cam, because it`s going to be quicker to read and make more sense to me than the german one. yaaay interwebs! after work I go pick up my new flash from the post office. more (ordered off the) interwebs yippee!

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02 April 2008



step 1 in approximately 3000, the swedish boss has told my german bosses that he wants me to move up there. the german bosses are happy to let that happen.

now the company has to get permission to give this job to a non-european person.

then i have to apply for work and residence permits for sweden.

and at some point i've got to find an apartment up there, and move my junk up.

but in the meantime i'm tying up loose ends on my current project and starting to work on Volvo projects. Woohoo!!

in other news, the photo course was really fun last night. we took night-shots. i didn't think to bring my tripod with me. *shrug* i still got some cool postcard-esque shots. Most of the shots in that photostream were taken when it was dark with a long(er) exposure and a high-speed film (ISO 1600). Here are my fav's:

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